My 5 Must Have Teacher Products

Every teacher has their must have supplies that they need to make their classroom run smoothly. Whether you are a brand new teacher or have been teaching for years, these are 5 products that I highly recommend investing in for an organized and efficient classroom.

#1: Wireless Doorbell

This is my number one item that I recommend to every teacher. It has been life-changing in my classroom! Such a great attention getter without even using your voice. This doorbell has many different chimes and volume levels. I have two that I have attached with Velcro in different spots in my room (one on my whiteboard in the front and one near my small group table).

Seriously this doorbell is magic!

#2: Voice Level Lights

Giving reminders over and over again about voice level in the classroom can be exhausting. I love using these lights to show students what their expected voice level is for each activity in a non-verbal way.

Here is how I have mine set up. I put it right next to our daily reading and math I can statements. I used Velcro to hang the lights onto the whiteboard.

#3: Post-It Anchor Charts

Every teacher needs anchor chart paper in their classroom. This Post-It chart paper takes anchor charts to the next level. I love being able to stick it to any space in my room and move the charts when needed without having to use staples, push pins, or hooks to display them.

You can hang these post-it anchor charts anywhere! Here mine is hung on my (faux) cork board. I also have some hung on my whiteboard and on the wall! They stick forever!

#4: Wireless Presenter

I have been finding myself creating and using many more PowerPoint and Google slide activities since Covid hit. This wireless presenter has super handy for easily maneuvering through slides. I can easily teach and change the slides from anywhere in my classroom. This has been especially helpful during guided reading time and for my math slides.

I love using this pointer during our morning meeting as well!

#5: 5 Drawer Cart

I know this item is a little bit more expensive, but it has been an organization lifesaver for me. I live in organized chaos, so I always tend to have piles on my desk and space. These drawers have really helped me keep my things organized and out of the way. Plus they are super adorable and have held up super well!

I have two of these carts in the front of my room. I use them to store math manipulatives and school supplies.

What are your must have teaching products? Drop them in the comments below!

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I am Alyce Mikkonen. I am a 2nd grade teacher, wife to my awesome husband Matt, and mom of two beautiful girls – Harper and Hazel.  We also have a fur baby named Bentley.  I hope you can find something helpful on my page whether it be lessons to enhance your curriculum, inspiring books, or links to my favorite Amazon finds.  I am so happy you are here!